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Official Council Internet site of the
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*NOTE - Some portions of this may be on the first
page of the web site, a resul of fast updating. It will be corrected in a future site update.

"The General Organization Dedicated to Securing and Preserving America's Christian Traditions."

Just below our web site banner and immediately above this welcome message you see a Bible verse displayed. This verse we believe is a promise made to us by God Himself and in short it is saying that a nation which is respectful to Him and looks to Him for guidance shall be blessed with divine power and prosperity.

Looking around us today, we see that our nation is in trouble and facing obstacles to that promised blessing because a small minority who chose not to believe in God and think that they are enlightened and therefore superior to everyone else are imposing their corrupt morals and values on the rest of us. This needs to be corrected.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (ASV) tells us, "if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

The United States of America, regardless of some may say to the contrary, is a nation which was founded upon the traditions, morals and values of the Judeo/Christian faiths.

Does that statement mean this nation is a theocracy or one where you are compelled to adhere to one belief system over all others? Not at all. The United States is a "secular" nation however the pillars of our society are clearly and inarguably rooted in the Christian faith.

Without that faith and respect to God, we would be like all of the other nations and civilizations which came before. The reference to God in our founding documents are an unique feature of those documents and the United States went from an agricultural nation to a mighty world power in less than two hundred years.

The Declaration of Independence specifically refers to inalienable rights (which can be surrendered by men) however we all know that men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, which are 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Man has instituted governments in order to 'secure,' not grant
or create, these rights. Leaders who are respectful of a higher authority think about their actions and decisions.

Now America is losing her respect for God and
forsaking Him. We sing "God Bless America" but do not mean it. We take Him out of the public square and wonder where He is when something terrible happens. Well, it is our opinion that we cannot have it both ways.

This is why GODSPACT was started. We see things
through Conservative eyes and see that there are
elements in the public square that are against God and His people and in fact are also against America and everything she stands for. We were wondering what we could do that may have an impact, so we started to Blog.

Religion is also going astray and the time has come for someone to step up and begin to sound the clarion call

 -- "All you as sheep have gone astray!"

This is the gateway to our official Internet site, our Political Issues blog and our Religious Issues blog, our YouTube vlog (video log) and our Facebook page. The posts that we provide are our opinions and they are meant to express those opinions to the world.

Regardless of your views or opinions, we trust that during your visit with us today you will discover that you will either love us or hate us but one thing for sure, you may just learn a thing or two about reality.

Tell your friends about us, and make it a habit to visit us periodically. You may not agree with us but you'll know that we're right.
The GODSPACT web site, blogs, vlogs, and other media we utilize are used to express our views and opinions on issues which interest us and which may vary in content
depending on the diverse issues of the day.

This means that content may include issues which are serious, amusing, funny, hard hitting, fair, unfair, light hearted, offensive, critical, uplifting, and so on. We hope
to cover everything (we are interested in).

It is not our intention to misrepresent any issue which we cover nor is it our intention to embarrass or offend individuals or groups who may have a disagreement with
us. Dialogue and debate are healthy and are God given fundamental rights of all human beings.

Our purpose is to offer information we believe to be correct, objective and in the best interest of the average
American and Christian, along with other groups or faiths. There is a clear "Right" and "Wrong" in society.

We present our views for your review and trust that you are intelligent enough to make up your own mind. Without access to all views and opinions and having the
ability to make up your own mind on issues you cannot be personally objective and are pretty much a product of brainwashing.

We believe that in this modern world the people are being influenced by four pillars of deceit which are Media, Government, Science and Academia. They all seem to
share a "socialist" view of the world, that we cannot make it without them handing us what we want. This is the ultimate lie or deceit. You can make it if you make a
personal effort to do so. If you do not work, you cannot eat.

Look at all sides of an issue, analyze the materials, reason out the pros and cons and come to your own conclusions. You'll be better off for it.
* N O T I C E *
"Our great Republic is built upon the cornerstone of our trust in, and belief that God has blessed
this endeavor for which we in turn are thankful and grateful to Him.

Our Patriotic songs for the most part are hyms to the Almighty and this is why we must never forget.

There are those who despise God and claim He does not exist, so then why does He make them tremble with fear? A man named Nitche in the
late 1800's declared that God was dead, and in the mid 1900's Adolph Hitler believed him and proclaimed himself to be god.

Today, there are those who again repeat this lie and they wish to become our god, in the name of the state. They are dangerous and we must remain vigilant and fight them at every turn.

"In the United States of America, Christians are not second class citizens."

In the United States of America, we have a right to demand that our elected leaders are moral, honest and just.

Christians pay taxes too and we vote.

A powerful special interest group that has not yet realized it's strength.

There are some kooks out there that want the government to end the tax exemption for religious institutions, and I as a Christian do too! Not because taxing will decrease church funding but because it will simply remove the chains that keep the church from being honest about what God says is right, and wrong.

If you want to wake the giant, TAX IT!