These policies shall be applicable to any and all Internet Sites, Personal Home Pages, Web Logs (Blogs) and like World Wide Web media Owned, Operated, Developed, Produced or Maintained by: ROMUALDO ENTERPRISES and/or THE ROMUALDO ORGANIZATION including all universal subsidiaries or entities including WWW.QUIXROM.COM.
Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization hold exclusive ownership of and claim in perpetuity, all rights and privileges associated with the following Internet Domain Names in their applicable Domain Extensions...
Any and all Internet sites, Personal Home Pages, Web Logs (Blogs), and like World Wide Web media affected by these policies contain the below "Quick Disclaimer" or similar information with a hyperlink to this page for additional information.
This Internet Site is the Exclusive Property of
Mario Romualdo, Jr., Romualdo Enterprises,
The Romualdo Organization or GODSPACT
This Internet Site was Produced and Developed by
the QUIXROM™ Information Services Group
PO Box 1872
Livingston, NJ 07039-7472
E-Mail: quixrom1@aol.com
This is the Official Council Internet site of the
- Powered by QUIXROM™ - Copyright © 2004, 2011 -
- All Rights Reserved - Duplication Prohibited -
- This Internet site is hosted by several support providers
including Network Solutions which is a paid service,
Lycos®/Tripod® or Lycos®/Angelfire® in exchange for
banner advertising which we have no direct control over,
nor derive any incidental or residual income from.
- Email services are provided by America Online (AOL)®,
MSN®/Hotmail, Verizon®, and/or Google® Gmail™.
Other providers may also be utilized from time to time
which include Yahoo!®, Excite® or Microsoft LIVE®.
DSL/Broadband and some Internet hosting services are provided by Verizon®.
- Internet Domain services are provided by
Network Solutions, Inc.® and/or VeriSign, Inc.®.
- Web log (blogs) publishing services are
provided by Google® Blogger (blogspot.com).
- Video sharing presentation services on the
GODSPACT CHANNEL are provided by Google® YouTube.
- Constituent Information or Communication services
are provided by via social networking sites which include
Facebook® (facebook.com) and Twitter (twitter.com).
- This Internet site and all of it's components and
subcomponents contains views and opinions on
contemporary political and/or religions issues in
the United States of America.
Some of these may be controversial in nature and
probably won't be "politically correct." They are presented
to express what our opinions are and are not
purposely meant to be offensive or derogratory to any
individual(s) groups, organizations, etc...
- Sections of this site may be used for educational,
information, business or fund raising purposes.
- Registered and unregistered copyrights or trademarks
are the exclusive property of Romualdo Enterprises.
- Registered and unregistered copyrights or trademarks
used which are not owned by Romualdo Enterprises
remain the property of their original or respective
owner(s). We do not imply ownership by inference or usage.
- Any music or sound files which are utilized on our web
sites are provided for consumer purchase evaluation
purposes only, without charge to the owners.
- Any graphic or image files which are utilized on our web
sites are provided for consumer purchase evaluation
purposes only, without charge to the owners.
- Efforts are made to verify ownership of materials
however in many instances there is insufficient information
provided which identify specific owners or verify that the
materials are in the public domain. If ownership can be
determined, credit is given if readily available, or
permission for use will be requested by email.
- Certain applications may be pending approval.
- Google and most major search engine keyword: GODSPACT
Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization offers our web sites for information and requires that all persons or entities visiting any Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization sites on the World Wide Web ("Sites") agree to the following terms and conditions. By accessing a Site, you confirm your agreement to, and acceptance of these terms.
Your Use of Information
Unless otherwise specified, copyright in all copyrightable subject matter on any Site is owned by Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization. To the extent that Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization has the right to do so without compensation to third parties, and except for materials or information specifically provided under other terms, Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization grants you permission to copy or otherwise download from any Site, information and materials (including related graphics), provided:
The materials are for internal, non-commercial use only, and Any copies of materials or portions thereof must include the copyright notices specified on the Site.
If attribution to Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization is included, limited quotations from the content are hereby permitted. You may not copy or display for redistribution to third parties for commercial purposes any portion of the content without the prior written permission of Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization.
Documents posted by Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization on a Site may contain other proprietary notices or describe products, services, processes or technologies owned by Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization or third parties. Nothing contained herein shall be construed by implication, estoppels or otherwise as granting to the user a license under any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right of Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization or any third party.
The Romualdo Enterprises, Romualdo Organization, QUIXROM, GODSPACT names and logos and all related product and service names, design marks and slogans are pending trademarks, service marks or registered trademarks of Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization and may not be used in any manner without the prior written consent of Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization. Other products and service marks which may be used on our Web Sites are trademarks of their respective owners. Credit is given IF available to us.
Fair Use of Music/Graphics/Photographs
Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization from time to time may utilize music on a web page. Usually, the music is in the form of a MIDI (.mid) file. MIDI's files may sound similar to work(s) made by professional artists however in fact are made by independent individuals who for all intents and purposes are the "originators" of the file, and therefore the owner of the work. We do not produce MIDI files, and obtain the file(s) openly available on the Internet.
To the extent possible, we will identify the "producer" of any sound file used on our site(s). Any and all sound flies used on our sites are used under the "Fair Use" section of Federal Copyright laws. All sound files herein retain their original or current copyrights which are held by their respective owners. All sound files are for educational or information purposes, research, criticism, or review for movie or home video purchase evaluation if applicable. We do not claim nor imply ownership of any musical selection used on any of our Internet sites, from which we derive no direct or indirect financial gain. Any and all Romualdo Enterprises and/or The Romualdo Organization entities inclusive of all Internet or World Wide Web sites directly controlled by us hold no liability from the misuse of these sound files.
We will remove any sound file from our sites at the request of the song Author HOWEVER in reality, usage of a sound file could be considered ADVERTISING or PROMOTIONAL USE for the owner(s) or Author of the musical selection used by us in our sites.
The same conditions above shall also apply to graphics, images, photographs, etc.
Some graphic images are produced by Romualdo Enterprises and those images are the property of Romualdo Enterprises.