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political tid-bits
My story with Sheehan can be found on the blog site of the Internet Crusader and can be accessed via the link at the bottom of this message.

I welcome you to the GODSPACT Internet site. If you are reading this page, then you were interested in what happened with one Pastor Paul Sheehan, a self proclaimed "Man of God" who somehow believes that everything he believes and says is gospel and the will of God, at the behest of the Holy Spirit. In his own mind that is.

I viewed one of the videos on his YouTube channel quite by chance, and as a Christian myself I was appalled that this supposed servant of God did nothing but bash people who for nothing else are more famous than he is. And he backs the claims with back links to his own web site. Anybody can claim anything on the web.

The video was chock full of accusations, mockery, and insanity and I assume that It was either a product envy which is a sin, or he covets the limelight. In the 37 years of ministry and in 13 doing advocacy work which is the mission of this organization and the assets associated with it, I have never seen an alleged man of God who does nothing but speak evil of others who are supposed to be his peers. Everyone on Earth other than Sheehan in his view is wrong, or an agent of Satan. This sounds like a disorder of some kind, but we are not medical professionals and cannot certify that

Take a look through his web site at individuals. It's attack, slander, liable, etc... Admittedly I have not yet reviewed his entire work, but speak for what I saw. Not only does he attack his peers, he attacks politicians, and people who comment regarding his questionable methods which is exactly what I did. I cannot see this being a religious thing and suspect that it may be political in nature, and there's a verse for that... Ecclesiastes 10:2 - The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Is Sheehan a closet Socialist? I wonder. I didn't see any leftists who were being slandered, but then again, I did not look at all of the items he has posted.

Now after being offended at what he was saying about one Daniel Nalliah, a man who fought for Sheehan's right to free speech for under Victoria's Tolerance Act law he would have been charged and put on trial and sued for offending the people he attacks. Thank God Nalliah won his case for you Australians.

I contacted Sheehan and I attempted to tell him that I believed that what he was doing was wrong and not Biblical. I was met with attack, mockery, defamation, liable, and so on. If I were not a public figure I would have literally hauled his ass to court myself, but the man apparently has little assets which can be proven by the fact that he has his bank information posted on his web site ready to receive donations. One only risks identity theft on purpose if they really have nothing worth stealing.

My story with him can be found at the blog of the Internet Crusader and can be accessed via the link at the bottom of this message. This was my entire communications with Pastor Sheehan. Please read the entire thing. You need
to see what this man is really all about. See what this "Man of God" is really made of. When you finish reading, ask yourself is this is how God would want one of his servants to act.

It is people like Sheehan that give every single Christian a bad name. Those who practice intolerance in the Name of God. Sheehan has a problem with love and acceptance of others. He does not understand that he may be the only Jesus someone sees, which was one of my examples.

I am posting this on the web because he threatened to make our private communications public on his small web site, so I decided to protect myself, and my integrity and posted the entire chain of communications on my blog to show his followers exactly whom they follow.

What he has posted is chock full or errors, and not in context. I made comments regarding that at the bottom of the blog post. As you read the blog, ask yourself if this is something a "Man of God" would, or should do. Don't you expect more from a leader? I do. While we realize that they are also human and have flaws, including Paul Sheehan, a Pastor is held to a higher standard.

Remember these two verses as you read. Jesus uttered the words Himself. Does Sheehan exhibit these qualities as a "Man of God?" I say NO! What do you say?

John 15:12 - This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

Romans 12:10 - Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor
giving preference to one another;

I do not see these qualities in this man. Thanks for reading this, and don't forget to click on the link to the blog site. While I am a Christian, and have ordination papers,
something Sheehan does not have (according to him he voluntarily returned them, but I believe they may have been requested to be returned by the issuers
my work on the web is not related to ministry. There are plenty of web ministries.
Some good, and some like Sheehan. I don't want to involve myself in that mix.
I am an advocate who is trying to stop the advancements of the godless who are
making strides everyday in removing God from the public square in my country.
I am also in the middle of creating one of the next billion dollar businesses in the
United States, so if I took time out to address this matter, I really believed that it
was important to do so.

God Bless!

Mario Romualdo, Jr.
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The following statement and any statements made on any of our web assets regarding the above named individual are opinions based upon personal interactions with this individual which occurred between October 21 and 23, 2012. Our interaction included electronic message communications, visits to his web site and to his YouTube Channel.

While as professionals we expected that the communications were to remain private,
considering the contents are not flattering to Paul Sheehan and cast him in a very negative light. He voluntarily informed us that he was taking it upon himself and going to post them on his web site located at the TLD www.fireandhammer.com .

Sheehan did add a post to the site however the content he posted was severely edited out of context, contained information that was not factual, and included a link not to us, but to the Rise Up Australia Party web site, with which we have no affiliation nor relationship with,
including our Media assets.

Honestly, we expect more from people claiming to be "Pastors" and "Servants of God," and it was truly quite a shock that when this "Pastor" was told that he was not being a good example of a Christian leader, that he turned around and acted anything but "Christ-like." Rather than taking the opportunity to re-evaluating his personal actions which would have been the best thing to do, he chose to present an extremely dark side and assumed an offensive posture.

On the advise of our legal department, it was decided that since "Pastor" Sheehan elected to post edited versions of our private communications which contained many factual inaccuracies, that it would be prudent for us to post the entire communication record that
occurred between the two parties in order to abate any misconceptions that could occur.

We simply ask you the reader, sent here at the request of "Pastor" Sheehan by the vehicle of a hyperlink to our web site that he placed on his own web site, to evaluate for yourselves if the comments "Pastor" Sheehan provided to us shows him to be worthy of calling himself a true "Man of God" or any other name bestowing any level of authority as a leader of any group or denomination of the Christian faith.

A man who makes it a habit of attacking others regardless of reason or excuse, big or small in a malicious way, while asserting himself as being directly instructed by God to do this through the power of the Holy Spirit, insinuating that he is somehow the only infallible human on the planet is no man of God in any way, shape or form.

What ever repercussions occur as a result of this incident are the sole responsibility of Paul Sheehan, who in an effort to make us appear "stupid" only exposed himself as a wolf in sheep's clothing. I'm sure that our Lord is not pleased, and that Sheehan's actions are not
worthy of a true Christian leader.
Personal message to Paul Sheehan -

If a number of people contacted you, and chastised you for the way you
conduct yourself hiding behind God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and thinking
that you are the only person in the world with the knowledge, skills and ability
to run a ministry any way you wish, without thinking of the consequenses,
why not take the advise to heart? A Godly man would have seen a problem
and dealt with it. You pointed the finger at me and called me arrogant not
realizing that the other four fingers were pointing right back at you.

A minister of the Gospel is not his own king or ruler. He seeks the counsel
of others and takes that counsel to heart. I could never follow a pastor that acts the way you did, and if you truly want to remain in ministry, you should heed my advise.

It may also be in your best interest to have this page disappear before it is
crawled by the major search engines and immortalized for the ages. I expect a
personal apology for the things you said to me, and I expect you to humble
yourself before God and seek His forgivness.

Consider it a learning experience - you are not able to scare everyone away
as you have been. Then again, you can let your pride get the best of you and you can hope that others don't see this page, or the blog post.